DoKs – Knowledge is Not Power
There is a common idea that "knowledge is power" and is also used in the Wireshark website to emphasize the importance of learning about Wireshark. This is at best an half true. Knowledge is only "potential power". Knowledge becomes power when it is organized in a plan...
DoKs – Bastian Ballmann: The Best Reference for Scapy
Scapy, as already told, is a python library, that allows surgical task with packets, both creating and sniffing. Also all the scapy features, can be used in any python script/program as you prefer to call them, based on the size and complexity. There are two points to...
DoKs – Comer and Stevens: Best References for Learning TCP/IP Foundations
There are also other titles, but these are the two you will need to get a full grasp on the topic. This books both belong to a three volume series, where the first one cover foundations, while the others show implementations and the Client/Server model. What makes...
DoKs – Looking for Standards
All the Internet standards are available at no charge on some websites that maintain an updated repository, with reference to previous or following versions. The standards related to lowest levelsĀ e.g. the Ethernet, are owned by IEEE, as then, are not part of the TCP/IP protocol...
DoKs – Internet: The Big Picture
Internet is an outstanding success, and what makes it so successful is the extraordinary effort in making possible to use any kind of transmission technology, to connect arbitrary end points around the world. This behavior is become so common that is simple to overlook the...
DoKs (Droplets of Knowledge) Lift Off
Starting tomorrow, the DoKs , Droplets of Knowledge, will begin a travel, giving every time some a new brick of the wall. Feel free to combine them in your personal wall....